What is the significance of serving a ‘Non-Molestation Order’? T. 0333 242 0630
Read here a recent interview with a professional process server from the leading process-serving firm in the U.K. theuknationalprocessservers.com
One of the most sensitive areas of our work involves ‘Non-Molestation Orders’. These injunctions are meant to provide safety for those who have been threatened with harm by significant others.
They are often a quicker way around the criminal justice system, as they can provide victims with quick and easy relief (not to be “molested” by significant others). They need to be served quickly and efficiently, in order to provide victims with safety. Whilst criminal court proceedings can take a long time, ‘Non-Molestation Orders’ are basically court orders to make sure that somebody who has caused you harm, (or threatened you with harm), will leave you alone.
Where a respondent (person who has been served a ‘Non-Molestation Order’) breaks a ‘Non- Molestation Order’ they can be arrested; thus preventing you from harm, and further threat.
We spoke to Georgie, who has been serving ‘Non-Molestation Orders’ for over 9 years.
What is the significance of serving a ‘Non-Molestation Order’?
‘Non-Molestation Orders’ can protect families, women, and men from being victims of further harm. They are a quick and easy remedy to prevent harm being caused, where there has been a history of potential harm. They protect individuals where the criminal justice system cannot and can speed up things where people feel threatened or “molested”.
Where there is immediate danger of being abused then report this to the Police.
We work directly with the applicant or their solicitor who will instruct us to serve the documents.
How often do you need to serve ‘Non-Molestation Orders’?
Unfortunately, domestic violence rates can be painfully high.
Many women and men have to seek ‘Non-Molestation Orders’ to prevent further abuse.
The amount of ‘Non-Molestation Orders’ made has gone up and up, and according to government statistics, over 10000 domestic violence orders were made between July and September of 2020, up 18% from the same period the
previous year. 94% of these were ‘Non-Molestation orders’.
The lockdown period has increased the necessity of protection from domestic abuse, and I’m glad to be a part of it. We receive calls and emails from applicants who are literally in the waiting room at the family court waiting for their order to be typed so that we can arrange to serve the order as soon as possible.
What happens if the Victim doesn’t know where the perpetrator is?
The Court will explain what can be done in this situation and the Process Server will follow the direction on the order. How the order was served is reflected in the statement provided by the Process Server.
Is it a scary thing to do?
It’s not a scary thing for our Process Servers to do, as they are well-equipped and used to being able to carry out sensitive things like this, using their intelligence and judgment.
Part of the purpose of a Process Server serving legal documents, rather than an average member of the public is to provide anonymity and discretion, as well as the safety of all involved.
The Process Server is not a party to the proceedings as acts as a third party to ensure the documents are served and the statement is correctly completed which is really important.
Remember -
Once ordered by a judge, a ‘Non-Molestation Order’ is then served by a Process Server in order to come into effect.
Process servers are highly-skilled individuals who have the insight and judgment necessary to serve on behalf of victims of abuse.
They do this by serving legal documents to perpetrators enabling the ‘Non-Molestation Order’ ordered by a judge to come into effect. They do so in a sensitive and efficient way, reflecting the severity of the issue at hand.
‘Non-Molestation Orders’ then require the statement served by a Process Server in order to come into effect, and doing so helps prevent further harm to those who seek them, so ensures that they can quickly come into force.
An injunction is a court order that either:
Protects you or your child so a ‘non-molestation order’
The ‘occupation order’ decides who can live in the family home or enter the surrounding area.
To apply for a ‘Non-Molestation Order’ is free, but you will need to pay if you hire a solicitor,
in order to help you and for a Process Server to serve it.
To apply by yourself, please see here:
Once you have your order, issued by a judge, hire a professional to serve the document. Contact one of our Process Servers at the UK National Process Servers.
We have discreet experienced male and female associates Nationwide who can find and serve ‘Non-Molestation Orders’; thus protecting victims from harm.
T. 0333 242 0630
E. hello@theuknationalprocesssservers.com
The UK National Process Servers 0333 242 0630
We hope this information helps you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Emma Loffler,
The UK National Process Servers
Data Protection Number ZA135954